Today's activity will enable you interactively tell the classic story of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" with your very own toy caterpillar! We’re going to turn a plain old egg carton into a ravenous insect with some paint, scissors, q-tips, and markers.

The hardest part of this activity was finding the print outs, so I’ve just attached images for you guys to print out and tell the story together at home. You could even print out a caterpillar and skip the craft...but I'd really recommend making a simple one with an egg carton. It is going to be worth it for your child to have something three dimensional to grab while you tell the story :)
Here are the print outs I was able to find online! They're really awesome-- just like the book. We're looking forward to using them in our live music classes :)
Assembling the caterpillar was very simple: I just started with an empty cardboard egg carton...

I cut the flat top off of the carton and split what was left just down the middle. You can make 2 long pillars or 4 short pillars with only one egg carton. Shorter caterpillars might be easier to play with depending on how small your child's hands are.
You could make a mommy and a baby if you have the patience...
Thats not how caterpillars work...but thats okay!!

I always prefer using paint to markers or colored pencils when I'm painting cardboard because its easier and it looks better... Also if you just wait overnight its faster! (Besides the waiting to dry... I pained the cardboard green and red and then covered two q-tips with yellow paint (please skip the q-tips if your child will be tempted to eat the paint covered cottony sticks!!) And then let them dry overnight.
In the morning I poked two little holes for his antenna and quickly added a face with markers and googly eyes (googly eyes are an incredible investment to make your crafts more exciting! I got 500 for $5 on amazon.) and voila! My beautiful caterpillar is hungry and ready to tell a story!

I hope this activity brings some joy to your family! Tomorrow: Friday, May 1st at 9:30AM we will be hosting an online snack time show and tell via ZOOM!
You are invited to sing with us and munch through a whole bunch of fun together!
Here is the info on that:

Thank you so much for being a part of our online community! We hope you're all staying hungry for fun and can't wait to sing and smile together tomorrow during snack and share!
Be well,
Miss Sophie with Babies @ MAFS